IPWSO Leadership ECHO
13 Feb 2022

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Jan 2022.
It was a great start in January 2022.
Thank you so much to IPWSO ( International Prader Willi Syndrome Organisation) team for giving me the opportunity to share with all the PWS Leaders around the globe on Developing a National Association topic.
It was an honor to represent Persatuan Sindrom Prader Willi Malaysia and Malaysia too.
With this great network, we believe that we are able to make our presence felt and impacted well to society.
It was a great start in January 2022.
Thank you so much to IPWSO ( International Prader Willi Syndrome Organisation) team for giving me the opportunity to share with all the PWS Leaders around the globe on Developing a National Association topic.
It was an honor to represent Persatuan Sindrom Prader Willi Malaysia and Malaysia too.
With this great network, we believe that we are able to make our presence felt and impacted well to society.